Today, having worked for the same company for two years and met different clients –many of them wowed and others lost-, I can clearly recognize when fruitful business opportunities come to stay due to the challenges I have already faced, which made me learn several strategies to improve my communication with potential clients.
I would like to share some of these tips.
Poorly detailed product scope
When it comes to software, clients constantly struggle to define the product they want to develop. In general, a person easily decides what type of app he/she wants to develop, though, sometimes, they forget their real audience’s reception. Apart from that, business developers are not neither final users nor part of the development team. Consequently, we need to investigate. At the same time, as projects are far more complex than clients usually expect, they end up having problems at stages if they do not plan possible risks in advance.
To avoid inconveniences, our team devotes time to get to know the industry first, ask specific questions to clients, and offer them something that is key: try to be in the users’ shoes.
Expectation Management
This is another essential aspect to consider. To identify if changes are needed or what phase will take more time to be completed gives us a clear picture of how we work on the project. To be clear and honest is fundamental in any negotiation.
Competitors and diverse proposals
It is often said: “There are other people that do the same for half the price and in less time.” If that happens, we show the client what makes us different from our competitors so they can consciously evaluate which proposal truly fits his/her needs.
Time and price may vary as well as quality and talents. At Darwoft, we make very detailed presentations, including absolutely everything the client needs to know before deciding.
For instance, a concise explanation of how we work, what processes we follow, what teams are available, and what methodologies we prefer are some of the aspects we discuss with our business partners – our value-added.
In conclusion, selling software constitutes a significant challenge because it is a rapid-changing industry. Thanks to this dynamic environment we are involved in every day, we become more passionate since we have the chance to grow, and build customer and employee loyalty. In my opinion, being part of Darwoft is a wonderful journey and I wish everybody had the opportunity to enjoy the ride as much as I do.
👏 🎉 We really appreciate this time together. See you around.
Please, Remember to Keep Safe!
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